How to Draw a Snake

Time needed: 10 minutes

Learn how to draw a snake, follow this easy step by step drawing tutorial and you’ll be able to draw a snake in minutes.

  1. Head and Neck

    Sketch the shape of the snake’s head and below a long neck.How to Draw a Snake Head and Neck Sketch

  2. Tail

    Sketch two rounded shapes for the tail.How to Draw a Snake Tail Sketch

  3. Hood and Tail

    Sketch the snakes’ hood and add a pointy tail on the right side.How to Draw a Snake Hood Sketch

  4. Eyes

    Draw the snake’s eyes at the upper part of the head.How to Draw a Snake Eyes

  5. Mouth

    Draw a big mouth for the snake, almost as wide as the face. Notice the pointy part in the center.How to Draw a Snake Mouth

  6. Mouth continued

    Draw the outlines of the mouth, around the shape we drew before.How to Draw a Snake Mouth Outlines

  7. Face outlines

    Draw around the eyes the shape of the snake’s face and connect it with a curved line at the top.How to Draw a Snake Face Outlines

  8. Tongue

    Draw a split tongue for the snake, start drawing from the middle of the mouth.How to Draw a Snake Tongue

  9. Scales

    Draw small curved lines for the snake’s scales around the mouth and on the forehead.How to Draw a Snake Scales

  10. Scales continued

    Continue drawing scales on the snake’s face around the eyes.How to Draw a Snake Scales Pattern

  11. Body and Hood Outlines

    Draw the outline of the body and for the hood.How to Draw a Snake Hood and Body

  12. Hood and Neck Pattern

    Draw horizontal lines for the neck and wavy lines inside the hood.How to Draw a Snake Body Pattern

  13. Tail Outlines

    Draw the outlines of the tail, use the guidelines to assist you.How to Draw a Snake Tail Outlines

  14. Tail Pattern

    Draw the Pattern of the tail. That’s it, you can now color your drawing.How to Draw a Snake Tail Pattern

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